电话: 269-471-6321
电子邮件: graduate@和rews.edu
请注意: 录取决定可能需要三周或更长时间.
入学要求可能因项目而异. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的节目页面.
International credentials requirements may be different from country to country. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的国际证书页面.
Prospective students can upload unofficial 成绩单 directly into the application system during the application process.
美国以外的教育机构*, prospective students must upload both original language 和 word-for-word English translation (unless 成绩单 are routinely issued in English by the 机构).
*The Enrollment Office reserves the right to request external credential evaluations for international 成绩单.
重要通知: All admitted students are required to submit official final 成绩单 after admission decision.
An official transcript is an academic record that has been received from an issuing 机构 or a secure, 经认证的指定方. 它必须具有机构验证(如印章), 标志, 或水印), 日期, 以及适当的签名. 成绩单 received that do not meet these requirements will not be considered official.
bet365中文 49104-0620
The GRE test is designed to measure your collective knowledge in various skill areas such as 口头, 定量, 分析和写作技巧. 该考试必须在入学前五年内参加. 访问您的特定网站 程序 页以了解您的程序是否需要此测试.
学位 | 语言推理 | 定量推理 | 分析性写作 |
博士 | 142 | 142 | 3.0 |
大师 | 140 | 140 | 3.0 |
*所有三个部分, 口头, 定量和分析性写作分数, 是入学所必需的.
The GRE test is available at a test site or online, for more information go to www.美国教育考试服务中心.org/gre. 要求将你的成绩发送到bet365中文大学,代码为1030.
英语是bet365中文大学的教学语言. International 和 domestic prospective students whose language of education is not English must submit English proficiency 考试成绩. 入学前两年内必须参加英语水平考试.
英语水平测试 | 最低分数要求 |
托福网考* | 80 |
雅思(学术) | 6.5 |
PTE(学术) |
54 |
多邻国英语测试(认证)** | 110 |
* Paper-based TOEFL is only accepted when administered by our Center for Intensive English 项目.
** Duolingo仅在认证并直接从Duolingo接收时有效.
DPT Physical Therapy 和 some Seminary 程序s require higher English proficiency 考试成绩.
If you For more information about The Language Pathway Program, please email ciep@和rews.edu
我们校园还提供非母语英语课程课程的服务. Please note that an academic acceptance for our 非母语英语课程 程序 does not guarantee future admission into graduate level degrees. To learn more about the Center for Intensive English 程序s please visit the CIEP 网页.
If your acceptance letter indicates that you have been granted regular acceptance without stipulations, this means you have met all the requirements to become a regular accepted student. Therefore, you do not need to submit any additional documentation for admission purposes.
If your acceptance letter indicates that you have been granted acceptance with stipulations, 这意味着您仍然有需要完成的需求. 在这种状态下, you may be allowed to enroll in classes at the beginning of your 程序 (usually only for one semester), but you may not qualify to continue in your 程序 until all your stipulations are fully satisfied.
An academic 程序 will make an admission decision based on your application 和 your admission documents. If your application is denied, you may wish to consider applying to another 程序. Please contact us if you have questions or wish to speak with an enrollment counselor.
All international students who attend bet365中文大学 will need to document that they have adequate financial resources to cover at least one year of overall annual costs at bet365中文大学.
如果您有其他问题,请发电子邮件 isfs@和rews.edu.
Once all the I-20 requirements are submitted the Office of 国际学生服务 will process 和 mail to you the I-20.
When you receive your I-20 document, you will be ready to schedule an appointment at the closest U.S. 大使馆或领事馆. I实际上,你会想要计划让你的美国.S. Embassy/Consulate interview no later than one to two months before the 日期 classes begin.
After your student visa is approved, you are ready to travel to the United States of America!
当你第一次以学生身份进入美国时, 通过飞机或过境, 你必须出示你的护照、学生签证和I-20. Please request all documents inspected by customs officers to be returned as they are your property 和 you are required to show them at each port of entry.
Don't forget to stop by 国际学生服务 office as soon as you arrive at bet365中文大学 as we will need to sign your I-20 和 make a copy of your student visa.
我们希望你的最后一步顺利而愉快! 按照步骤开始.
电话: 269-471-6321
电子邮件: graduate@和rews.edu
电话: 269-471-3251
电子邮件: graduate@和rews.edu
文学院 & 健康科学与学院 & 人类服务
电话: 269-471-6188
电子邮件: graduate@和rews.edu
职业学院和教育学院 & 国际服务
电话: 269-471-6553
电子邮件: graduate@和rews.edu
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